CSSetTrackZones Function


Changes the state of the zone tracking mode.

Consoul windows generate events (callbacks to the host) when the mouse cursor enters or leaves a zone, when zone tracking is ON. The mouse cursor also changes it shape to a pointing hand (see CSGetHoverCursor and CSSetHoverCursor) when it enters a zone, and changes back to the default arrow cursor when it leaves a zone.


VB/A 32bits

Private Declare Function CSSetTrackZones Lib "consoul_010205_32.dll" ( _
  ByVal hWnd As Long, _
  ByVal wTrack As Integer _
) As Integer

VB/A 64bits

Private Declare PtrSafe Function CSSetTrackZones Lib "consoul_010205_64.dll" ( _
  ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, _
  ByVal wTrack As Integer _
) As Integer

Return Value

The return value is the previous value of the state of zone tracking mode.



The window handle (HWND) of the Consoul window, as returned by CSCreateLogWindow.


Tracking mode to set, 0 (zero) is OFF, 1 (one) is ON.


Zone tracking can be turned on at Consoul window creation time with the LW_TRACK_ZONES attribute, see CSCreateLogWindow.

Last updated: May 13 2022.