CSGetMaxCharHeight Function


Returns the maximum char height of the Consoul window font.


VB/A 32bits

Private Declare Function CSGetMaxCharHeight Lib "consoul_010205_32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Integer

VB/A 64bits

Private Declare PtrSafe Function CSGetMaxCharHeight Lib "consoul_010205_64.dll" (ByVal hWnd As LongPtr) As Integer

Return Value

The return value is the maximum char height of the Consoul window font (specified at window creation time, see CSCreateLogWindow).



The window handle (HWND) of the Consoul window, as returned by CSCreateLogWindow.


This function internally uses the Win32 GetTextMetrics API to query for font information and returns the sum of the tmHeight + tmExternalLeading members of the TEXTMETRIC structure.

Last updated: September 01 2021.