SetCaretPos Function
Moves the caret at the specified [row, column] position.
VB/A 32bits
Private Declare Function CSSetCaretPos Lib "consoul_010205_32.dll" ( _
ByVal hWnd As Long, _
ByVal wRow As Integer, _
ByVal wCol As Integer _
) As Integer
VB/A 64bits
Private Declare PtrSafe Function CSSetCaretPos Lib "consoul_010205_64.dll" ( _
ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, _
ByVal wRow As Integer, _
ByVal wCol As Integer _
) As Integer
Return Value
The return value should be always 1 (one). 0 (zero) is returned if hWnd
is not a valid Consoul window handle.
The window handle (HWND) of the Consoul window, as returned by CSCreateLogWindow.
Consoul doesn't do any validity check on the caret position. You can create a empty console window and have the caret positioned even outside of the visible area.
Non-proportional fonts
The caret position is transformed in pixels by Consoul and aligned in columns on a multiple of CSGetCharWidth. Respectively, the row position is a multiple of CSGetLineHeight.
When using non-proportional fonts, like Times New Roman, the caret will not position itself correctly over the Nth character, where N is the column number. This is by design.