CSGetTrackZones Function


Reports whether zone tracking is ON (one) or OFF (zero).

Consoul windows generate events (callbacks to the host) when the mouse cursor enters or leaves a zone, when zone tracking is ON. The mouse cursor also changes it shape to a pointing hand (see CSGetHoverCursor and CSSetHoverCursor) when it enters a zone, and changes back to the default arrow cursor when it leaves a zone.


VB/A 32bits

Private Declare Function CSGetTrackZones Lib "consoul_010205_32.dll" ( _
  ByVal hWnd As Long _
) As Integer

VB/A 64bits

Private Declare PtrSafe Function CSGetTrackZones Lib "consoul_010205_64.dll" ( _
  ByVal hWnd As LongPtr _
) As Integer

Return Value

The return value is the state of the zone tracking mode. 0 (zero) is OFF, 1 (one) is ON.



The window handle (HWND) of the Consoul window, as returned by CSCreateLogWindow.


Zone tracking can be turned on at Consoul window creation time with the LW_TRACK_ZONES attribute, see CSCreateLogWindow.

Last updated: May 13 2022.