CSGetFontUnicodeRange Function


Get the starting unicode character code of a unicode glyph set, and the number of glyphs in that set.


VB/A 32bits

Private Declare Function CSGetFontUnicodeRange Lib "consoul_010205_32.dll" ( _
  ByVal hWnd As Long, _
  ByVal lIndex As Long, _
  ByVal lRetLow As Long, _
  ByVal lRetCount As Long _
) As Integer

VB/A 64bits

Private Declare PtrSafe Function CSGetFontUnicodeRange Lib "consoul_010205_64.dll" ( _
  ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, _
  ByVal lIndex As Long, _
  ByVal lRetLow As LongPtr, _
  ByVal lRetCount As LongPtr _
) As Integer

Return Value

The return value returns 1 (one) if it was successfull, or 0 (zero) if hWnd is not a valid Consoul window handle.



The window handle (HWND) of the Consoul window, as returned by CSCreateLogWindow.


Zero based index of the range among those returned by the CSLoadUnicodeRanges().


Address of a 2 bytes memory buffer (a word, Integer in VB/A) that will receive a unicode character code, that is the lowest unicode character code in the range.


Address of a 2 bytes memory buffer (a word, Integer in VB/A) that will receive glyph count for the range.


Usage example

'Sample usage (from AsciiPaint 2 source code in the character map window) of
'CSLoadFontUnicodeRanges() and CSGetFontUnicodeRange(), to get all the glyphs
'of the consoul window. The scope of the consoul window, mhWnd, is a module
'level variable.
'palRetCharCodes is an array of Long integer, declared Like:
'Dim alCharCodes() as Long.
Public Function GetUnicodeCharCodes(ByRef palRetCharCodes() As Long) As Long
  If mhWnd = 0 Then Exit Function
  Dim i           As Long
  Dim lRangeCt    As Long
  Dim lTotGlyphCt As Long
  Dim iStart      As Integer
  Dim iGlyphCt    As Integer
  Dim k           As Long
  On Error GoTo GetUnicodeCharCodes_Err
  lRangeCt = CSLoadFontUnicodeRanges(mhWnd)
  For i = 1 To lRangeCt
    If CSGetFontUnicodeRange(mhWnd, i, VarPtr(iStart), VarPtr(iGlyphCt)) Then
      If iGlyphCt Then
        ReDim Preserve palRetCharCodes(1 To lTotGlyphCt + iGlyphCt) As Long
        For k = 1 To iGlyphCt
          palRetCharCodes(lTotGlyphCt + k) = iStart + k - 1
        Next k
        lTotGlyphCt = lTotGlyphCt + iGlyphCt
      End If
    End If
  Next i
  CSUnloadFontUnicodeRanges mhWnd
  GetUnicodeCharCodes = lTotGlyphCt
  Exit Function

  Resume GetUnicodeCharCodes_Exit
End Function
Last updated: May 13 2022.